
Convergent™ Family of AWS Turbo™ Workstations

Convergent™ Family of IWS™ Workstations 

Burroughs B22

Burroughs B20 'System'

agentb — 2022-02-16 at 4:51 PM
From my machine notes:
B21-1T: cluster station
B21-4T: 5MB HD, 1 floppy -- this one has 256K listed, so unless it has additional memory added later, it not a master station which requires 384K -- so could be a standalone machine, or cluster machine (with HD and floppy) if there was a master elsewhere 

Cprossu — 2022-02-16 at 5:29 PM
Just as a side note there's at least one B22 in this shot, and someone on the ClassicCMP discord has suggested our weird terminal in the back is a line printer!

B20-B22 "Unisys" vintage training/promo video:

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